October 20th, 2019 6 min read

Weekend Reading — I am a little surprised to hear this

“It’s more than 50 years old. There are no outstanding user complaints. There are no crash reports. And support is still available.”

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October 12th, 2019 7 min read

Weekend Reading — Get really good at spreadsheets

“Totally here for classic muscle cars with little stuffed animals on the front grill”

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October 5th, 2019 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Between two bathroom breaks

Meriel “This is amazing! Look at the last one!” Design Objective The Subtle Technique Mailchimp Uses to Emotionally Hook Customers Outcome selling vs feature selling: Here’s what Outcome-Selling basically means: Don’t sell your product. Sell the best possible outcome that a customer can get from using your product.

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September 29th, 2019 8 min read

Weekend Reading — Days Since Last Timezone Issue

Dogs In Action Amazing photo collection! (via greywulf) Design Objective Cheat sheets: UI terms 👍 Super helpful: Using professional UI terms aligns with the efficiency and accuracy of communicating your thoughts in a cross-functional team. It benefits you as a product designer in various aspects. However, It is time-consuming of looking

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September 22nd, 2019 5 min read

Weekend Reading — Where's dark mode?

divinetechygirl “And then there’s this accurate depiction of everything tech twitter 😂” Design Objective Mind the gap, user centered design in large organizations with Luke Wroblewski Why most "user-centered" design isn't, and how we can address that. (Slides) Chris Owens Copy is UI: "Note: Hiding

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September 14th, 2019 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Anxiety Juice™

system32comics “Printers Nowadays” Design Objective Designing a chair: A story about Junior vs. Senior Designers. An explainer of the famous quote: Always design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment

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September 8th, 2019 8 min read

Weekend Reading — Straws Is a Distraction

Jeff Steck “Patented today: A heated decoy keyboard to keep your cat off your laptop. Patent No. 10398125.” Design Objective Design critiques at Figma Six different ways to do design critique. Exploring the reasons for Design Thinking criticism TL;DR Design thinking brings business and design together, good framework, misleading

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September 1st, 2019 6 min read

Weekend Reading — Tiny hugs

Sketchplanations Delightful blog: “A weekly explanation in a sketch” (via peterritchie) Design Objective Why you’ve got UX and UI all mixed up My opinion as well: You can’t divorce UI design from UX design. If you are a UI designer you are effectively impacting the user experience. The

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August 24th, 2019 6 min read

Weekend Reading — DoorDash for bears

Bertram The Pomeranian has an Instagram and it's too cute for words

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