August 12th, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Why are we doing this?

Fluff Society "Dog: This is NOT funny" Design Objective How we designed Foursquare Swarm 5.0 Designs needs to be implemented: Get engineers involved at the beginning. … Sometimes a tiny design decision can have a large technical impact. It’s on me to continue to get engineers involved

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August 5th, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading β€” High five, fist bump

Jon Ostrower "Boeing 004, a 787 from BFI-BFI, files a flight plan: Route? Airplane. We’re going to draw an airplane" Design Objective Designing interactive experiences The β€˜what, when and how’ of interactive prototyping. Mark Dalgleish My main beef with tools like Sketch and Photoshop is that they&

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July 29th, 2017 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Touching … ugh … base

New Glassdoor survey reveals that the UK’s most annoying office buzzwords Design Objective Bobby Ghoshal 😱 Me: "Don't forget how far digital design has come since the nineties" --- NJ EZ-Pass: "Hold my beer." Tools of the Trade Chromeless Playground

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July 22nd, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” A spill of puppies

@ joeheenan "Sometimes when I don't know what to do I'll get this out my pocket & pretend it knows the answer." Design Objective Empathy Prompts πŸ’‘ Ideas to help consider Inclusive Design principles when making things for others to use, e.g: Use a projector

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July 15th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Maps, Pants, Stand Ups, and Unicorns

I made a Google Maps version of Westeros Design Objective Amazing Chat Interface Inspiration Person to person, group messaging, conversational commerce, lots of goods here. Dropdown alternatives for better (mobile) forms For many interactions, you're better off not using a dropdown, especially on mobile devices. This article goes

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July 8th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Move in any direction

@Distinctboxes "Cambodian artist Visoth Kakvei Is Taking Doodling To Another Level." Design Objective Boost Your UX with These Successful Interaction Design Principles "There’s a fine line between an interaction that works and one that is unusable. Interaction design principles help bridge the divide." Dos and

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July 1st, 2017 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Emotional support animal

@ImACultHero "Just learned that Cheetahs are really nervous animals, and some zoos give them "support dogs" to relax" Design Objective @sortino Cynical, but sometimes we need a dose of that: The Ten Principles of Good Design: 2017 Tech Industry Edition πŸ˜‚ The 1,000 Floor Elevator: Why

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June 24th, 2017 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Low Budget Reboot

Craig Pearson "I'd watch this low budget Firefly reboot" Design Objective Remove to Improve Fantastically illustrates how to improve every visualization by simply taking things out. Whether it's charts, tables, or maps. Tools of the Trade How we got 1,500 GitHub stars by

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June 18th, 2017 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Relationship Saving Station

Redditors design worst volume sliders possible. Design Objective Writing for UX: some practical tips A few simple writing tips to keep in mind when writing for user experience. Cultural Blind Spots in UX Designing for international markets is about understanding the nuances, starting with how cultures look at web pages

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