June 21st, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading – .DS_Store

.DS_Store in real life Design Objective How Community Feedback Shapes User Behavior TL;DR downvotes lead to more but bad content, upvotes has neutral effect, no feedback and people leave. Tools of the Trade collections.js JavaScript implementation of common collections: lists, maps, LRU/LFU, sets, heap, etc. Omelette.

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June 14th, 2014 3 min read

Weekend Reading β€” What programmers say

Design Objective Can the digital IKEA effect increase user engagement and brand loyalty? Designing for user involvement. Design Club - Super Mario Bros: Level 1-1 - Game Analysis Epic video analysis of how Super Mario Bros teaches you to play the game through level design. iOS 8: New Features The

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June 7th, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading – Prevent cable company fuckery

Design Objective iOS 8 scans credit card details using iPhone camera Does your design considers sensors? What product designers can learn from iOS 8's iMessage changes This is an interesting look at how you grow new features and usage pattern into the UI, adding and simplifying at the

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May 31st, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading – Demented Reality

Design Objective Client feedback on the creation of the Earth McSweeney at it's best: Re: the β€œsky”… not really feeling the color here. Would like something that pops more. Please send additional options. What Can Sending 2 Billion Emails Tell Us About Mobile Email Habits? Interesting findings from

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May 24th, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Codependent watches

"Smart" watches 1982 vs 2014 Design Objective @stewart: Best #1 design tip: close eyes; take breath; clear mind; open eyes. Now pretend you're a human being who has to read/use/do this. Simple. Single Responsibility Designing better CSS by following the single responsibility principle. Das

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May 17th, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading β€” "Word count"

Design Objective Leaving Pixels Behind SVG is the future, learn to design with vectors. Your syntax highlighter is wrong Some good, thought provoking ideas there. (I disagree with the conclusion, though, green/red are semantic colors for add/remove, using them simplifies the UI) It’s better for older workers

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May 10th, 2014 3 min read

Weekend Reading β€” The truth behind open source

Design Objective Designing design tools takes a look at the latest crop of design tools: Origami, Marvel, Sketch, Maccaw, and friends. Redsgned is a showcase of the very best redesigns from across the web. Behavior Design teaches you the basics of designing products that change people's behaviors. This

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May 3rd, 2014 2 min read

Weekend Reading β€” r > g

Design Objective Adaptive Placeholders I love this concept: placeholders that double as labels. Falsehoods programmers believe about addresses Whether made by programmers or others, these are all design mistakes. The Great Works of Software If there was a software canon, clearly Office, Photoshop, Pac-Man, Unix and Emacs will be there.

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April 27th, 2014 3 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Client brief

Design Objective Stop Wasting Users’ Time Examples for design anti-patterns that do little more than waste our most precious resource. Labelmask Interesting way to add input masks to form fields, but without the accessibility issues. Responsive Design: Why and how we ditched the good old select element "The concept

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