November 9th, 2013 2 min read

Weekend Reading – Binary trees

Design Objective Top Hacks from a PM Behind Two of Tech's Hottest Products. First Round Capital articles are always a great read, this one is no exception: Get decisions made: You may not be the decider at the table, but it’s your responsibility to make sure a

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November 2nd, 2013 2 min read

Weekend Reading — Avoid Polio with this one weird trick

Design Objective A Plea For iPhones To Have A Safer "Car Mode". Interesting concept. I'd use care mode far more often than airplane mode. Responsive HTML Emails: a Different Strategy. Using a single layout, so you don't have to handle reflows, just resizing; complete

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October 26th, 2013 3 min read

Weekend Reading – Code review by Congress

Design Objective SketchMine is a wonderful collection of SketchApp files from the design community. Smart Transitions In User Experience Design – a few ways of using transitions to improve the user experience. Make My Design Flat, the simplest "flat design" tutorial on the web! Users = Zombies: By forcing ourselves

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October 22nd, 2013 2 min read

Uploading images with Uploadcare

We needed a way to allow customers to upload a banner image that we can use on their branded pages/emails. The requirements: * You might have that image on your computer, or your Web site, or maybe Facebook alubm, or Dropbox folder * It should be as easy to upload as

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October 20th, 2013 3 min read

Weekend Reading – Bot or not

Design Objective § How could you argue with that? Writing “As a User” does not make it a user story: The lie starts with the whole premise. “As a user, I want to register”…. No I don’t. As a user I don’t want to give my private information to

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October 10th, 2013 2 min read

Weekend Reading – The Great American Bug

From BUG: Government occasionally shuts down Design Objective § Hand-Sketching: Things You Didn’t Know Your Doodles Could Accomplish. § Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Give Real-time Analytics: Real-time web analytics is a seductive concept. It appeals to our desire for instant gratification. But the truth is that there are

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October 7th, 2013 3 min read

Weekend Reading – Headline absurds

Design Objective § Obvious, but what a great way to get the point across: Write less. § Exactly what is says on the flat label, in Open Sans font: Design trends gathered from Dribble. § Email 101: Opens, Clicks, Conversions. § Anyone building mobile apps – not just magazines – should consider the lessons from Why

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September 27th, 2013 4 min read

Weekend Reading – Proofreading at T+0.5

Design Objective § The iOS Design Cheat Sheet: everything you need to know about resolution, icons, element sizing, status and navigation bars, iconography, and typography. § Email as UI: But I strongly believe that the majority of "regular" users would far prefer receiving an email than having to go to

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September 21st, 2013 3 min read

Weekend Reading – Remove to Improve

Design Objective § Did you know you can make graphs look more attractive and impactive by removing unnecessary decorations? Remove to Improve shows you how. § Normalising Designs For Better Quality CSS. This presentation talks about making your designs easier to express in CSS, the obvious benefit being easier to maintain, so

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